I just spent some time looking through pictures of Kat at the hospital the day she was born and from her first few days home and got totally emotional! It's only been 3 months for crying out loud!
I'm a wreck. What am I going to be like when she is 25?!!?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sleeping through the night...
is AMAZING! Last night, Kat slept from about 10pm until 5:50am! So incredibly beautiful! She has made the transition to her crib quite nicely... I think it was harder on me to move her out of our room than it was on her! She definitely sleeps better now that she doesn't slip out of her papasan seat and doesn't get woken up each time Matt or I turn over in bed. She is doing so great in her crib the past couple nights- I love it! We're still swaddling her, but that is ok... I think as long as it helps her get a good nights' sleep, then it is ok. Everything I've read says we'll know when it is time to break her from the swaddle habit- guess we'll see!

She is such a good girl and I am so blessed! Poor thing though, she must have the most sensitive skin! We got the infected neck under control, and now she has some infection on her toe! Geez. So, she is getting antibiotics 3x a day for 10 days... hopefully that will clear it up. If it isn't one thing with this girl, it is another! Oh well- I'd much rather deal with these minor irritations than with some of the terrible illnesses that have been going around! Rotavirus, RSV and the flu are rampant right now... I do not want her to have to go through that, so we're big on handwashing these days!
She is doing so well... I love our baby!

She is such a good girl and I am so blessed! Poor thing though, she must have the most sensitive skin! We got the infected neck under control, and now she has some infection on her toe! Geez. So, she is getting antibiotics 3x a day for 10 days... hopefully that will clear it up. If it isn't one thing with this girl, it is another! Oh well- I'd much rather deal with these minor irritations than with some of the terrible illnesses that have been going around! Rotavirus, RSV and the flu are rampant right now... I do not want her to have to go through that, so we're big on handwashing these days!
She is doing so well... I love our baby!
Monday, February 18, 2008
3 Months Old!
It is hard to believe that at this time three months ago, I was laying in bed at Hoag Hospital, staring at this perfect little baby that had just made her entrance into the world... I was ecstatic, sore, tired, scared, joyous, overwhelmed and mystified by everything the future now held.
Holding my daughter was surreal. I was scared- I didn't know anything about newborns. I was scared to hold her, carry her, change her bathe her... it was all so foreign.
Now, only 3 months later, it seems like she has always been a part of our family. All of the aforementioned tasks are second nature. Getting up in the middle of the night is no longer a new, exhausting schedule- it is just what I do. What did we ever do without her? She is the greatest joy in this world. Her smile makes everything okay. Her laugh wipes away every crappy part of my day. Watching Matt swoon over her erases 25 years of not having a father of my own. She is nothing less than a perfect blessing that God has surely graced us with.
Today we took her to see her great-grand aunt Virginia (Aunt Gin). Though it breaks my heart that due to the evil disease known as Dementia, Aunt Gin didn't know who I was, let alone who Kathryn was, it comforts me to know that they did meet, even if only briefly before Aunt Gin fell back asleep. I don't know how much longer it will be before Aunt Gin enters into eternal life, but I know that when she does, she will be able to appreciate Kathryn more when she is there than she can while she is still here.
It is getting to be past my usual bedtime (rather early now that sleep is so precious), and I'm fading quickly. Off to bed I go... I'm guessing I have 2-3 hours before my sweet girl is up and so am I! To leave on a happy note, here are some 3 month pictures!

Holding my daughter was surreal. I was scared- I didn't know anything about newborns. I was scared to hold her, carry her, change her bathe her... it was all so foreign.
Now, only 3 months later, it seems like she has always been a part of our family. All of the aforementioned tasks are second nature. Getting up in the middle of the night is no longer a new, exhausting schedule- it is just what I do. What did we ever do without her? She is the greatest joy in this world. Her smile makes everything okay. Her laugh wipes away every crappy part of my day. Watching Matt swoon over her erases 25 years of not having a father of my own. She is nothing less than a perfect blessing that God has surely graced us with.
Today we took her to see her great-grand aunt Virginia (Aunt Gin). Though it breaks my heart that due to the evil disease known as Dementia, Aunt Gin didn't know who I was, let alone who Kathryn was, it comforts me to know that they did meet, even if only briefly before Aunt Gin fell back asleep. I don't know how much longer it will be before Aunt Gin enters into eternal life, but I know that when she does, she will be able to appreciate Kathryn more when she is there than she can while she is still here.
It is getting to be past my usual bedtime (rather early now that sleep is so precious), and I'm fading quickly. Off to bed I go... I'm guessing I have 2-3 hours before my sweet girl is up and so am I! To leave on a happy note, here are some 3 month pictures!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A little factoid for you:
Did you know you can get a yeast infection on your neck? Yes, indeedy. And if anyone was going to teach me that, of course it was going to be my sweet daughter. Poor little girl ended up with a yeast infection in her little neck folds! Since she can't hold her head up consistently yet, and since the insides of those little folds never get any air, there were some funky things going on in there... and it really worked itself into a frenzy. It was so red and for three nights she was so uncomfortable that the only way she'd sleep was if she was being held. Made for a loooong night for Matt and I. Especially since I've been fighting a nasty cold. Luckily the doctor showed us what to do and she has been more comfortable and the redness has gone down almost completely.
Now, of course, she has some little infection on her toe... what the heck??! If it isn't one thing, it's another! Oh well, I am definitely thankful that we're only dealing with minor irritations and not serious problems.
I got a book about my new camera and am studying it thoroughly! There is so much to learn and absorb, but it is fun. Here are a couple of pictures I've taken so far:

The last one was edited with Photoshop to make it look cool- though the original picture was pretty cute, too.
Well, that is all that is going on in the Conrad house... fighting sickness and yeast infections, taking pictures and just hanging out. Almost to 3 months with our little girl! Updates to come.
Now, of course, she has some little infection on her toe... what the heck??! If it isn't one thing, it's another! Oh well, I am definitely thankful that we're only dealing with minor irritations and not serious problems.
I got a book about my new camera and am studying it thoroughly! There is so much to learn and absorb, but it is fun. Here are a couple of pictures I've taken so far:

The last one was edited with Photoshop to make it look cool- though the original picture was pretty cute, too.
Well, that is all that is going on in the Conrad house... fighting sickness and yeast infections, taking pictures and just hanging out. Almost to 3 months with our little girl! Updates to come.
Friday, February 8, 2008
If you are the inventor of baby swings...
...I will kiss you on the mouth. No, seriously. You are amazing.
The only way I get anything done (and the only way Kat naps) is because of her swing. And to all you who call swings "Neglect-O-Matics"- shut up. My daughter is VERY well taken care of, very cuddled and spends plenty of time not in her swing THANKYOUVERYMUCH!
Soooo, I got my new camera... and I won't lie, it's cool. Now I just need to figure out how the heck to use it. The fully automatic mode takes some great shots, but I want the real deal. I bought a book and am looking for a class... we'll see. I tried to do a little "photoshoot" with Kat yesterday, but she was in her Fussypants McGee personna, so it didn't last long. We'll try again today, of course.
The last two nights, darling Kathryn has forgotten that she is no longer a newborn... meaning, she has been waking up every two hours again! Weak! I only fed her twice... the other two time I just re-swaddled her and put her back down. What a crazy little monkey.
The only way I get anything done (and the only way Kat naps) is because of her swing. And to all you who call swings "Neglect-O-Matics"- shut up. My daughter is VERY well taken care of, very cuddled and spends plenty of time not in her swing THANKYOUVERYMUCH!
Soooo, I got my new camera... and I won't lie, it's cool. Now I just need to figure out how the heck to use it. The fully automatic mode takes some great shots, but I want the real deal. I bought a book and am looking for a class... we'll see. I tried to do a little "photoshoot" with Kat yesterday, but she was in her Fussypants McGee personna, so it didn't last long. We'll try again today, of course.
The last two nights, darling Kathryn has forgotten that she is no longer a newborn... meaning, she has been waking up every two hours again! Weak! I only fed her twice... the other two time I just re-swaddled her and put her back down. What a crazy little monkey.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
3 Years Together!
Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary! In some ways, it seems like it was just yesterday... in other ways it seems like we've been married forever! Not in a bad way... it just feels so natural- like it has always been this way.

We were so cute- so excited to go out and start our life together.
Matt is the greatest husband... I never imagined I could end up with such a wonderful man. So funny to look back at middle school when I used to cry and wish I had a boyfriend- someone to love me and make me feel special. Summer would tell me that one day I'd find someone... then I had my high school relationship. It lasted almost 3 years, but in my heart I knew I'd never marry him. We weren't right for each other in that way. And then there was Matt...
Scott told me one day that I should date his roommate. In fact, I think his exact words were, "You should go out with my roommate. You guys could get married." I didn't want to be hooked up through Scott, so I scoffed at first. Then, I gave in and said, "Ok, Scott... hook it up." I started at Concordia and would come over to hang out with them often... the rest is history. And here we are three years later with a perfect little girl and happier than I could ever ask!
On Sunday, Kat and my mom were baptized! It was cool to have them baptized together- what a special day! My mom decided she was ready to do that, and it means a lot to me. Kate looked so funny in her big, puffy white dress!

We had a little get together over at Matt's mom & dad's house following the service and then stayed to watch the Super Bowl (which I watched very little of... not really into football).
Kate had her 10-week check up yesterday. She is 13lbs. 4oz. and 22 3/4 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for her age! Big girl! The doctor said she looks great and is ahead of the game developmentally with her social interaction and her neck control! She even said that the way Kat was holding herself up while laying on her belly was what a typical 4-month old would be doing. She is a super baby! She got her first round of immunizations, which wasn't fun. Poor baby. She had to have one oral vaccine and 4 injections. She didn't realize that it hurt until about the middle of the second shot when her sweet little face contorted into a full blown angry face! She started wailing and I couldn't help but cry a little bit... poor little thing! She made it through, though, and is doing just fine today.
So baptism Sunday, first shots Monday and our anniversary today... fun, fun!

We were so cute- so excited to go out and start our life together.
Matt is the greatest husband... I never imagined I could end up with such a wonderful man. So funny to look back at middle school when I used to cry and wish I had a boyfriend- someone to love me and make me feel special. Summer would tell me that one day I'd find someone... then I had my high school relationship. It lasted almost 3 years, but in my heart I knew I'd never marry him. We weren't right for each other in that way. And then there was Matt...
Scott told me one day that I should date his roommate. In fact, I think his exact words were, "You should go out with my roommate. You guys could get married." I didn't want to be hooked up through Scott, so I scoffed at first. Then, I gave in and said, "Ok, Scott... hook it up." I started at Concordia and would come over to hang out with them often... the rest is history. And here we are three years later with a perfect little girl and happier than I could ever ask!
On Sunday, Kat and my mom were baptized! It was cool to have them baptized together- what a special day! My mom decided she was ready to do that, and it means a lot to me. Kate looked so funny in her big, puffy white dress!

We had a little get together over at Matt's mom & dad's house following the service and then stayed to watch the Super Bowl (which I watched very little of... not really into football).
Kate had her 10-week check up yesterday. She is 13lbs. 4oz. and 22 3/4 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for her age! Big girl! The doctor said she looks great and is ahead of the game developmentally with her social interaction and her neck control! She even said that the way Kat was holding herself up while laying on her belly was what a typical 4-month old would be doing. She is a super baby! She got her first round of immunizations, which wasn't fun. Poor baby. She had to have one oral vaccine and 4 injections. She didn't realize that it hurt until about the middle of the second shot when her sweet little face contorted into a full blown angry face! She started wailing and I couldn't help but cry a little bit... poor little thing! She made it through, though, and is doing just fine today.
So baptism Sunday, first shots Monday and our anniversary today... fun, fun!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Don't Lift Your Baby by Their Head
David and Kelly Sopp put out an amazing book called, Safe Baby Handling Tips. Here are a few choice excerpts:

Funny- Kat loves the dryer... it's so toasty.
We're at 10 1/2 weeks now and life is great! Our girl is growing so fast and is getting to be more and more fun everyday! She laughed for the first time on Januray 22nd and it was amazing! I'll admit, I teared up. She laughs if you bounce her on your knee and sing to her... it's a crack up!

Life with a baby is definitely different... but for whatever reason, it makes sense. After not even 3 months, it feels like life is just supposed to be this way. She comes to work with me during the week and that has gotten SO much better! She hated it at first, and wouldn't nap at all. But here we are, almost a month later, and she is almost into two hours of a nap! I had to get a little travel swing to help her nap, but hey, it's survival around here.
I have to laugh at how content I am now that I never wear make-up and am covered in spit-up half of everyday. Who knew vanity and shame would disappear with the birth of your child? I do; however, find myself embarrassed by one thing: the mommy voice. You know what I am talking about, don't you? It's that voice that haunts every video of our daughter. The high-pitched, squeaky, voice of a woman who's dignity has been stolen by a tiny, bundle of love. "Hey you! Hey you!", "Smile for mommy!", "You love your daddy, don't you?", "Where's my girl... THERE SHE IS!" Don't laugh: this, too, can happen to you.
We moved up to size 2 diapers yesterday, and though it hurts my heart a little bit to know she has grown so much, it brings me great joy because I know we will experience fewer 'blow-outs' with a correctly fitting diaper.

Funny- Kat loves the dryer... it's so toasty.
We're at 10 1/2 weeks now and life is great! Our girl is growing so fast and is getting to be more and more fun everyday! She laughed for the first time on Januray 22nd and it was amazing! I'll admit, I teared up. She laughs if you bounce her on your knee and sing to her... it's a crack up!

Life with a baby is definitely different... but for whatever reason, it makes sense. After not even 3 months, it feels like life is just supposed to be this way. She comes to work with me during the week and that has gotten SO much better! She hated it at first, and wouldn't nap at all. But here we are, almost a month later, and she is almost into two hours of a nap! I had to get a little travel swing to help her nap, but hey, it's survival around here.
I have to laugh at how content I am now that I never wear make-up and am covered in spit-up half of everyday. Who knew vanity and shame would disappear with the birth of your child? I do; however, find myself embarrassed by one thing: the mommy voice. You know what I am talking about, don't you? It's that voice that haunts every video of our daughter. The high-pitched, squeaky, voice of a woman who's dignity has been stolen by a tiny, bundle of love. "Hey you! Hey you!", "Smile for mommy!", "You love your daddy, don't you?", "Where's my girl... THERE SHE IS!" Don't laugh: this, too, can happen to you.
We moved up to size 2 diapers yesterday, and though it hurts my heart a little bit to know she has grown so much, it brings me great joy because I know we will experience fewer 'blow-outs' with a correctly fitting diaper.
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