Did you know you can get a yeast infection on your neck? Yes, indeedy. And if anyone was going to teach me that, of course it was going to be my sweet daughter. Poor little girl ended up with a yeast infection in her little neck folds! Since she can't hold her head up consistently yet, and since the insides of those little folds never get any air, there were some funky things going on in there... and it really worked itself into a frenzy. It was so red and for three nights she was so uncomfortable that the only way she'd sleep was if she was being held. Made for a loooong night for Matt and I. Especially since I've been fighting a nasty cold. Luckily the doctor showed us what to do and she has been more comfortable and the redness has gone down almost completely.
Now, of course, she has some little infection on her toe... what the heck??! If it isn't one thing, it's another! Oh well, I am definitely thankful that we're only dealing with minor irritations and not serious problems.
I got a book about my new camera and am studying it thoroughly! There is so much to learn and absorb, but it is fun. Here are a couple of pictures I've taken so far:

The last one was edited with Photoshop to make it look cool- though the original picture was pretty cute, too.
Well, that is all that is going on in the Conrad house... fighting sickness and yeast infections, taking pictures and just hanging out. Almost to 3 months with our little girl! Updates to come.
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