Holding my daughter was surreal. I was scared- I didn't know anything about newborns. I was scared to hold her, carry her, change her bathe her... it was all so foreign.
Now, only 3 months later, it seems like she has always been a part of our family. All of the aforementioned tasks are second nature. Getting up in the middle of the night is no longer a new, exhausting schedule- it is just what I do. What did we ever do without her? She is the greatest joy in this world. Her smile makes everything okay. Her laugh wipes away every crappy part of my day. Watching Matt swoon over her erases 25 years of not having a father of my own. She is nothing less than a perfect blessing that God has surely graced us with.
Today we took her to see her great-grand aunt Virginia (Aunt Gin). Though it breaks my heart that due to the evil disease known as Dementia, Aunt Gin didn't know who I was, let alone who Kathryn was, it comforts me to know that they did meet, even if only briefly before Aunt Gin fell back asleep. I don't know how much longer it will be before Aunt Gin enters into eternal life, but I know that when she does, she will be able to appreciate Kathryn more when she is there than she can while she is still here.
It is getting to be past my usual bedtime (rather early now that sleep is so precious), and I'm fading quickly. Off to bed I go... I'm guessing I have 2-3 hours before my sweet girl is up and so am I! To leave on a happy note, here are some 3 month pictures!

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