We were so cute- so excited to go out and start our life together.
Matt is the greatest husband... I never imagined I could end up with such a wonderful man. So funny to look back at middle school when I used to cry and wish I had a boyfriend- someone to love me and make me feel special. Summer would tell me that one day I'd find someone... then I had my high school relationship. It lasted almost 3 years, but in my heart I knew I'd never marry him. We weren't right for each other in that way. And then there was Matt...
Scott told me one day that I should date his roommate. In fact, I think his exact words were, "You should go out with my roommate. You guys could get married." I didn't want to be hooked up through Scott, so I scoffed at first. Then, I gave in and said, "Ok, Scott... hook it up." I started at Concordia and would come over to hang out with them often... the rest is history. And here we are three years later with a perfect little girl and happier than I could ever ask!
On Sunday, Kat and my mom were baptized! It was cool to have them baptized together- what a special day! My mom decided she was ready to do that, and it means a lot to me. Kate looked so funny in her big, puffy white dress!

We had a little get together over at Matt's mom & dad's house following the service and then stayed to watch the Super Bowl (which I watched very little of... not really into football).
Kate had her 10-week check up yesterday. She is 13lbs. 4oz. and 22 3/4 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for her age! Big girl! The doctor said she looks great and is ahead of the game developmentally with her social interaction and her neck control! She even said that the way Kat was holding herself up while laying on her belly was what a typical 4-month old would be doing. She is a super baby! She got her first round of immunizations, which wasn't fun. Poor baby. She had to have one oral vaccine and 4 injections. She didn't realize that it hurt until about the middle of the second shot when her sweet little face contorted into a full blown angry face! She started wailing and I couldn't help but cry a little bit... poor little thing! She made it through, though, and is doing just fine today.
So baptism Sunday, first shots Monday and our anniversary today... fun, fun!
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