Funny- Kat loves the dryer... it's so toasty.
We're at 10 1/2 weeks now and life is great! Our girl is growing so fast and is getting to be more and more fun everyday! She laughed for the first time on Januray 22nd and it was amazing! I'll admit, I teared up. She laughs if you bounce her on your knee and sing to her... it's a crack up!

Life with a baby is definitely different... but for whatever reason, it makes sense. After not even 3 months, it feels like life is just supposed to be this way. She comes to work with me during the week and that has gotten SO much better! She hated it at first, and wouldn't nap at all. But here we are, almost a month later, and she is almost into two hours of a nap! I had to get a little travel swing to help her nap, but hey, it's survival around here.
I have to laugh at how content I am now that I never wear make-up and am covered in spit-up half of everyday. Who knew vanity and shame would disappear with the birth of your child? I do; however, find myself embarrassed by one thing: the mommy voice. You know what I am talking about, don't you? It's that voice that haunts every video of our daughter. The high-pitched, squeaky, voice of a woman who's dignity has been stolen by a tiny, bundle of love. "Hey you! Hey you!", "Smile for mommy!", "You love your daddy, don't you?", "Where's my girl... THERE SHE IS!" Don't laugh: this, too, can happen to you.
We moved up to size 2 diapers yesterday, and though it hurts my heart a little bit to know she has grown so much, it brings me great joy because I know we will experience fewer 'blow-outs' with a correctly fitting diaper.
Most of these Dont's I think "who the hell would ever do this?!", but the one with the guy throwing the baby into the air, I see all too often and it really ticks me off.
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