Friday, March 30, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen: We have a heartbeat!

We had our first ultrasound today! It was the most amazing thing ever!!! We saw our little love and its heart was beating away! It was just a little flicker, but it was so cool. Lovebug is measuring right on schedule at 7 weeks and 3 days. That makes my due date November13th!

The coolest part of the appointment, besides seeing the baby, was hearing the heartbeat. Everything I have read says you can't hear the hb until 10-12 weeks. But sure enough, the ultrasound tech turned up the volume and we could hear it- whooshwhooshwhoosh... so amazing.

Believe it or not, I cried. I know, I know- hard to believe, right? But I did.

They sent us home with huge smiles on our faces and two pictures of the bug. Right now all we can really see is a bit of a blob- but its a beautiful blob if you ask me!


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