Friday, March 23, 2007

1st Appointment with the Doctor

Actually, it was with the Nurse Practitioner. I don't meet the doctor until my next appointment on April 17th.

Today was fairly uneventful... she just asked all about our family history, let me ask all the questions I had and put in an order to draw blood (which I just love... insert sarcasm here, please). She gave me all kinds of information on all the different tests we can elect to have or not have in the course of my pregnancy, which was a little overwhelming. Something to read later, I suppose.

She also gave me about 5 different types of pre-natal vitamins to try... how I will ever tell the difference between them all, who knows. Target brand has been ok for now! So ok'ed me going on houseboats- not so much backpacking. That is to be expected though... houseboats = relaxing; backpacking = strenuous and no food for baby!

Then she asked if I wanted to try and get an ultrasound soon! I was not expecting that! I have to call and find out if my insurance will cover that, but if they do I am so getting one! It would put my mind at ease to know that everything was going ok in there and to see the little heartbeat flickering away! I am going to make the call on Monday... I can't really do it at work today (since I don't want anyone to overhear that I am knocked up), and I assume the insurance company is closed over the weekend.

So far so good... no puking yet. Matt's sister, Amy, wants to know as soon as I start puking, so she can feel better about her own yucky morning sickness. I'm still tired a lot. I went to lunch with Scott and Chris the other day and Scott asked what Matt and I have been doing on the weekends (since we haven't all hung out in so long). I told him "nap"... if only he knew it wasn't a joke.

I'm getting antsy to tell our friends, but we both think it is better to wait and make sure all is well before we go spreading the news. We're hoping to have a Cinco de Mayo party at our house and announce the news to everyone there... that will be a fun way to do it! We'll be just about 13 weeks pregnant at that point.

Well... thats about it for this week. Today I am 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Just in case you were wondering.

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