Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007: Week 6 = Yuck!

So far I have felt pretty darn good. I've been tired... usually falling asleep on the couch around 9:30pm. I'm hungry a lot, but nothing really sounds good. But starting these past few days, the nausea has crept up on me. Not so much in the "morning" as one would expect from the ever popular term "morning sickness". It's more like late afternoon through middle of the night sickness. I haven't thrown up- thank goodness- but have just felt queasy.

Whoa to any tangerine that falls into my line of sight these days! Maybe it is a pregnancy craving... I bought a cup of mandarin oranges at Wendy's the other night with my dinner (because a plain hamburger was all the sounded half way appealing) and could have eaten 6 more cups of them! Then my beloved husband (who we will get to in a minute) brought home a bag of tangerines from Trader Joes and I have thus been hooked. I know I have to be careful of getting too much Vitamin C, so I have to limit myself. Sigh.

Let's talk a bit about this man I like to call "my Baby Daddy".
As it turns out, pregnancy has turned me into someone who cries at United Way commercials and who makes her husband stop what he is doing, however important, to give me a long hug. This poor (wonderful) man has to endure the next 8 months of a certifiably crazy wife. And from what I read in the pregnancy books, it doesn't get much better in the coming weeks. I know that soon he will be asking, "Who are you, and what have you done with Alison?!" As much as I will want to remind him that this is "all his fault," I am trying to remain as normal as possible for his sake. But if you see him, or if you give him a call, don't be surprised if he tells you that I've lost my mind. He would be right.

All that said, he is going to be a great dad and I feel very well taken care of. Only two more days until my first doctor's appointment! I think Matt is going to join me... just in case I melt into a puddle of tears- then he can answer all the questions!

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