Saturday, June 26, 2010

One month to go!

At almost 36 weeks now, I am still not totally prepared for the arrival of our second little one. It seems like this pregnancy has flown by so quickly! His room is about half finished, which is fine really since he'll probably be in our room for sometime, but it would be nice to at least have it ready so I could feel like I did as much for him as I did for Kate! We're still not 100% sure on a name, but looks like we're getting closer... hopefully that gets solved soon!

Kate is doing great- growing and changing and becoming a "little girl" instead of a baby or toddler. In the past month, she has really jumped on the potty training bandwagon and is doing really well (minus a few accidents when she is too engrossed in playing). I think we're well on our way to not having two in diapers... phew!

Currently, one of her favorite places is Trader Joe's- there are always stickers waiting for her at the check stand, which she quickly removes from the paper backing and puts on her face and says, "Mommy- I have polka dots all oooover me!" She's pretty fun.

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