Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We still don't have a baby!

I know that no one has ever been pregnant forever, but there is a first for everything, isn't there? I think it might be me. Nothing is happening. The ladies in the office say that she has definitely dropped, and I would tend to agree since I can feel her much lower now, but other than that... nothing. No contractions. No 'visible signs' that I will spare you the details of. Eh.

So November 11th, my due date, came and went without excitement. If I had a quarter for every person at church on Sunday morning that said something to the effect of, "You're still here?!" then I would have had a free lunch, for sure. Yep. Still here. Still pregnant. Ready to do this. I was able to attend the LCGS 50th anniversary party that night, which was fun. I felt some funny twinges by the time we got home, but by Monday morning they had passed. I get these 'twinges' mostly in the evening... maybe that is when she is lowest from all my happenings of the day, I don't know, but I certainly hope it means something! And now the 12th has passed. Today is the 13th and I don't feel different than any other day besides being more irritable and tired. I took a Tylenol PM last night, which was glorious, since I only slept maybe 4 hours total on Sunday night.

We have an appointment with my OB scheduled for this Thursday, the 15th. She said if nothing is happening by then that we will talk about "picking a birthday" (also known as inducing labor). I was really hoping that we wouldn't make it to that point, but it isn't looking hopeful. I really want Kathryn to be here by this weekend. Really. A lot. We're edging closer and closer to Thanksgiving and I was really looking forward to turkey, stuffing and pie... so if I am in the hospital I am going to be so crabby!

The wait continues... I hope that the next post I make is to announce that Kat is here with stats and pictures and all. Cross your fingers for us!!!!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I'll be praying for you and your hubby that she will come soon!