Thursday, May 3, 2007

2 more days 'till lift-off!

I am so excited to tell our friends. I am itching to spill it!

Last night as I walked by Matt he looked at me and said, "I think it's a good thing we're telling everyone this weekend. People are going to start noticing." At first I panicked and was afraid I just looked like Fattie Fatterson, but as it turns out it's my lovely baby bump (check it out...).

Last night was unpleasant. I tried to go to bed at 11:00pm and couldn't. I felt sick and couldn't sleep, so I got up and sat at the computer for an hour or so. Tried to go back to bed at 12:15ish and ended up getting up again and going out to the couch to watch TV for a while. I ate some crackers, drank some milk and finally ended up going back to bed about 1:30am... I propped myself up with a bunch of pillows and must have managed to fall asleep sometime after 2:00am. Oh well... I keep telling myself it could be so much worse. It isn't all that bad.

Well, I have distracted myself from working for long enough... I will get back on task.

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