Italian sausage
Paper towels
Everything else would be unnecessary purchases. Now, usually when I make a trip to the grocery store I come home with an abundance of things that are not so good for me. Yikes. Like Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream, for instance. Yum. Double yum.
But today, folks, the only extras I picked up were things that are good for me and Nacho (and Matt, too). Grapes, peaches, strawberries, salad greens. What the heck?! How did I manage that? I think I may be moving into a new "craving" phase because all I can think about at work is fresh fruit. Today I've had an orange, a banana, an apple, grapes and some raspberries in my cereal this morning. Let's be honest- I would have eaten a peach, but they're not ripe yet. Way to go me... choosing the healthy stuff! Okay, well... I might have eaten the last few bites of the aforementioned ice cream, too... but I didn't buy anymore, so ha!
We had a fun weekend. Matt was doing some work in Walnut Creek, so I tagged along for a couple of days. We arrived on Sunday and walked around downtown Walnut Creek a bit. We ate at a place called The Creamery- delicious ice cream... the mac n' cheese wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but not too bad.
Monday we took BART into the city and walked around, did some people watching (always amazing in San Francisco) and did a bit of shopping (found a cute dress in the Gap maternity section). That evening we drove into Sunnyvale and went to Matt's friend's place. He and his girlfriend made us a phenominal dinner and we got to visit for a while.
Tuesday Matt had to be a working stiff, so I met up with him and a co-worker for lunch in downtown Walnut Creek and then went off on my own to do some shopping. Don't worry- all I came back with were a book and a couple of magazines. I did look in a trendy little baby shop, and giggled as I walked out pondering why anyone would spend $900 on a stroller. $900! Nacho doesn't need any European designed fashion stroller. Good ol' Graco will suit him/her just fine. That night we drove in to Danville, visited with Doug & Cath Fry for a bit, then went to dinner at Pete's with Steph, which is always a good time!
I came home yesterday (Wednesday) and now I am all alone waiting for Matt to return from his week of work tomorrow.
We've got 12 days before the big ultrasound and I am so excited! Matt is so good to me right now and I know he is going to be a stellar dad. Father's day is a just a few days after our ultrasound, so it will be neat to know if it is a girl or a boy before that :) Here is a view of the belly right now... making progress at 17 weeks:
Anywho, I am feeling well and am ready for bed! Until next time...
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