Carmen pointed out the different sounds and what they were... we could hear a little clicking sound which she said was the actual closing of the valves (she was impressed we could hear all that- Nacho placed him/herself perfectly to hear everything)! Too cool!
We scheduled our big ultrasound for June 13th!!! So in less than 3 weeks now we should know whether Nacho is a boy or a girl! I am so excited... words cannot describe! I see the appeal in waiting until birth to hear the doctor announce "It's a _____!" However, the lack of gender neutral baby things on the market just affirms our decision to find out at our ultrasound. Plus... why wait?! We can start picking a name (which I know we will need all the time we can get... Matt and I probably talked about boy names for 30 minutes last night and came to no agreement...), picking out furniture and bedding, looking at room decor... yep. I am excited to know!
In the beginning, I was totally convinced that we were having a boy. Now... I'm not really sure. I don't know why I was so convinced... just intuition... but the past few weeks I have been wavering and I know that there are no sure bets. So we'll see in a few weeks!!! Here is my belly (from last week- 14 weeks)... see the baby bump?!!?
I'm feeling pretty well... taking a new pre-natal vitamin that makes my burps taste like I ate fish tacos for lunch (yeah, gross, I know). I'm not a big fan, but supposedly the DHA is really good for fetal brain development, and that makes it worth it to me.
That is all for now... updates soon to come!
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