Kate is thoroughly enjoying pre-school! We've enjoyed it, too- we've had fun visiting for the pet parade, getting grandma & grandpa involved for Grandparent's Day and seeing her sing "The Butterfly Song" with her schoolmates at Saturday night service at the church affiliated with the school. I've had that sweet song stuck in my head for the entire month:
"You gave me a heart and you gave me a smile,
You gave me Jesus and you made me your child,
But I just thank you, Father, for making me ME!"
Ahh- thank you, indeed. She is amazing.
Adorable! Today is "Crazy Hair Day" and I am very excited to get her ready to go :) Speaking of hair, this past month we took a big step and got bangs cut! She looks like such a big girl... and so much like me when I was that age. Crazy!

We've spent a lot of time outside, as the weather has been amazing for January! Her activity of choice these days? Painting. My little lady may be the next great artist of the 21st century.

Will is growing and changing so fast- I cannot believe he is 6 months old already. Half a year? Where did it go?

He is definitely already a mama's boy- screaming and crying like he's being tortured if I hand him off to anyone- including Matt or grandma. Kate was never like that- she was so interested in everyone and very social. Will just wants to be with me. Just me. No one else. I guess it's kind of sweet... until my arm starts to go numb from carrying around all 20lbs. of him all of the time. He really does have the sweetest personality- he loves watching his big sister (she makes him laugh so hard) and touching faces. He has the two cutest little teeth sticking out of those bottom gums and his smile is killer :)

Just this morning, I noticed him starting to pull himself to face the direction he wants to face (scooting). He is no where near crawling, but getting close to learning the art of the scoot for sure! I'm already starting to plan and ponder his first birthday party- yikes!
Matt and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary on Saturday and I seriously feel like we *just* celebrated #5! What a ride! The first two years of our marriage seem so long ago- no kids, less craziness- but the years as parents have been so full and sweet. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Still, I do look forward to going out tonight, just he and I, for dinner as husband and wife. We need that every now and again to continue connecting and being a team for our kids.
Life is busy, but so full of joy!
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