My due date is July 27th (a week from today), but if Will doesn't make his appearance this week then I will be induced on Sunday, the 25th first thing in the morning. Phew! It's so close! Now, last time they scheduled an induction for me (pregnant with Kate), I never made it to my induction date. However, I was also a week overdue the day I delivered... so it is totally likely I'll make it to the induction. I do like the element of surprise and going into labor spontaneously, but since I am already dilated and effaced, I am not opposed to the induction.
So this time next week, we'll have our little man! Looking forward to being a family of four!
His room is all finished and looks pretty darn good considering all the DIY stuff I did... I'm really happy with it!

So So Cute. Im so glad you went with William Robert... I loved it.
Wow! The nursery looks incredible! Love the name Good luck tonight!
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