The first fumble came after I'd already removed my clothes from the waist down, and the u/s tech came in and said, "I think you're here too early. Your last u/s measurement puts you at 17 weeks 4 days- not 18 weeks." Ok. My doc never changed a due date, kept me due at July 27th, putting me at 18 weeks 2 days I think? She just told me to go between 18-20 weeks. So after some discussion, we decided to go ahead with it, and if she couldn't get what she needed then we'd just have to come back again. Fair enough.
So goo gets puts on my belly (whoever created the warmer for that stuff is genius) and the exploration begins! If you've ever had an ultrasound, you know how amazing it really is. It's this secret, sneak-peek into a world that we'd know nothing about if it weren't for technology. And to know that what you're looking at is your little baby... gets me emotional every time!
So first came all the heart stuff- everything looked good. Then she decided not to waste any time and went looking for the gender specific bits and pieces. As she passed over the little spread legs, I knew exactly what I was looking at! She said, "Yep! It's a BOY!!" and proceed to place a little arrow on the screen pointing at his manhood and type "Oh Boy!!!" onto the page. We're going to have a SON! I couldn't stop laughing for some reason! Of course I was a weeping mess, but just couldn't stop giggling. With Kate, I didn't really know what to expect. I had no intuition. This time, I felt like it would be a boy... but my intuition on these things is usually so bad I didn't take much stock in it. But YAY! We're so thrilled! After getting myself to stop giggling like an idiot, we saw all his arms, legs, feet, toes and more. Always amazing.

He's got his little arm laid over his face, so above his face you kind of see his arm and hand. Isn't he handsome? ;-)
It was so fun to tell the family- this will be grandbaby #6 for Matt's parents, but only the second grandson. Back in December when we told our families we were expecting, my grandpa said he was hoping for a boy, so we'd have one of each (keep in mind, with the first pregnancy he wanted a little girl and got his wish). So he was completely thrilled. My mom is over the moon and its just all so sweet.
I've felt him move a few times, but nothing consistent yet. I'm not in as big of a rush this time, knowing that I'll soon spend a few months begging him to stop kicking my bladder, elbowing my pelvis and kicking my ribs. :)
I have a feeling names are going to be tougher for us to agree on this time... but that's okay. We still have some time. Now to start looking at room decor and preparing Kate for the arrival of her baby brother!
We're so incredibly blessed. I say it all the time, but I mean it: My cup runneth over!
1 comment:
Congrats!! So exciting!!
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