Saturday, February 28, 2009

The "Eyes" Have It

EYE! It's Kate's new favorite word. At any given time during the day, she can be found jabbing her finger into my eye, Matt's eye, or her own and excitedly exclaiming, "EYEEEE!!" It is usually followed by "Nooonse!" (nose) or "Ayyyre!" (hair- which she pulls out of my head, thankyouverymuch).

She cracks me up. Today while watching Yo Gabba Gabba, she was trying to imitate Elijah Wood's "dancy-dance" by picking her foot up and then swinging her arms around like a crazy person. I swear, I try to get these things on video... but the second I bust out the camera she just stops and stays perfectly still. Little bugger.

A few weeks ago, Kate and I had a lovely lunch with my friend Summer at Corner Bakery in Irvine. When we left, I, being a total airhead, left Kate's high chair/shopping cart cover on the high chair. I didn't even realize until a few days later... by the time I called CB, it was long gone. However, Etsy always makes me happy again. I found a fabulous seller, MichaelMoooDesign: I sent her my own fabric and she put it together SO fast! She is phenomenal- if you need a cart cover, she is the one to go to :) Here are a couple of shots from our trip to the grocery store today:

I don't know where the heck those blue eyes came from, but all I can say is God Bless recessive genes!

Since pictures are always fun, here are a few from how we spent our valentines day. The two loves of my life and I headed up to the park to play, since the weather was perfect- crisp, but sunny: my favorite kind of day! I am so blessed... it is ridiculous.

Her new trick is "jumping". She tries to jump up and down... which basically amounts to bending her knees, then standing up tall. It's so cute- but again, she turns into stone when I get out the video camera. Ugh.

I had to have Matt take a picture of me today for church's new website. Ugh. I'm just the youth director- can't we skip my picture? I looked at the picture and realized just how fat I have let myself get in the past year. I was looking good before I got pregnant, since Matt and I had been walking the 4.5 miles from home, around MV lake and back. It's just gotten progressively worse after being pregnant. I need to get my butt in gear, because seriously- yuck! Oh well- maybe this will serve as some inspiration. If I got in front of the camera more instead of being behind it so much, maybe I'd think a little harder before settling into the couch instead of going for a run ;-)

Off to change the laundry and get everything ready for tomorrow morning... its tough to get ready for church anymore without proper planning the night before!


Shelley said...

she is soooo cute.

The Freeman's said...

I love that cart cover - checking their store now!!

Her blue eyes are gorgeous!