On to the important stuff: Kate has two teeth, is army-crawling all over the place and is my sweet little 8-month old super baby! Here's the monthly monkey picture and the best attempt at getting a picture of her little chompers!

Kate had her first 4th of July experience and, in typical Kate Conrad fashion, wasn't going to miss one second of the excitement. We went to my mom & grandpa's house to watch the fireworks, Matt's parents and Eloise also joined us, and Kate wasn't about to go to sleep before she saw some stuff blow up in the sky. Can't blame her- it's exciting business when you're a little squirt like her.

As it turns out, Kate and Matt were able to survive the 5 days without me while I took 8 of the CLC kids and 4 FPCO kids up to the Sacramento Delta for our annual houseboat trip. It was fantastic to not be pregnant this year so I could wakeboard and the like. It was not fantastic; however, to miss my daughter with every thread of my being. Leaving her was the worst- I was a wreck. But we all survived and now we're reunited (and it feels so good). I do believe she will be a daddy's girl... I mean look at them- she's his mini-female-me:

The matching dimple is almost too cute to bear! This, of course, was before Matt made a sudden decision to Bic his head last night... we're full of surprises in the Conrad household, you know.
Suddenly she has learned to army crawl and it is so fun! I know she'll be up crawling around soon... it will come soon- too soon! What happened to my tiny little schmoopsy!?
She's also very into her walker. Ok, now darn it, I am a good mom... and yes, I let her play in a walker sometimes. She's no where near any stairs, I watch her closely to make sure she isn't getting into things, and I leave her in it for very short periods of time... so to all you baby walker critics, if you have a problem with that, then... well... deal with it, I guess. She finally figured out how to go forward- it was all backward for a while, which was pretty funny. This was before she had it mastered, but still undeniably cute...
Well, it is approaching 11pm and I won't make it much longer... I'll try to be more diligent on updating here. Maybe. We'll see.
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