April 18th marked 5 months of life for our little lady! Cuter than ever, she is quickly outgrowing her monkey! For the 5 month picture, poor Monkey's little green flower is missing from his body... one morning, as Kat wrestled Monkey in her crib, she pulled the flower right off! I could stitch it back on easily enough, but it is likely she'll just pull it off again, and I wouldn't want her to choke on it (since everything goes in the mouth these days).
It's hard to believe we're coming up on 6 months... for some reason it seems like 6 months is a big milestone. My 'mini-goal' for nursing was to make it to 6 months then decide from there whether to continue or to wean... I haven't made up my mind yet. I know the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends a year, and it is way cheaper than formula (free, in fact... I don't charge per ounce), but we'll see. Maybe we'll go until she has teeth. Maybe we'll go a year. I don't know yet. Some days I am ready to give up... other days I love that personal time I have with her. It's a toss up right now.
The highchair got put together today... I put her in it for a minute and she wasn't quite sure. We've tried cereal a couple of times now, but she seemed not so excited. So we waited another week and tried again this morning. She was a little more enthusiastic, so perhaps I'll start giving her a little every morning to get her in the routine, then see whether to start adding in other foods. I'm not in a rush, but I want to do it the right way. I just had her on my lap this morning, instead of trying to add the highchair into the mix. I think she needs to be a little more comfortable with the idea of the food before we do the chair. Solid food experiences are funny... check out the look we got the last time we gave her cereal!

She's growing and changing all the time and is so much fun... what an adventure!
1 comment:
She is adorable.
Keep BFing you can do it....
I was so upset that I didn't get a full supply and had to stop at 6 months.
You dont' have to listen to a stranger...LOL
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