Yep. It has been one year since I peed on a stick and learned that in approximately 36 weeks I would become a mommy. I remember every emotion I had that morning. Joy, fear, disbelief and worry. I worried I'd miscarry. I worried Matt would tell me he wasn't ready (totally illegitimate fear, but hey- your brain goes through every scenario when that plus sign pops up). I worried that I wasn't fit to be a mom. I worried that I would soon begin vomiting every morning (which, by the way, never happened- the first time I threw up while I was pregnant was while I was in labor!).
One year later, that tiny little bundle of cells has become the most beautiful, sweetest, most wonderful little girl ever! I don't think I could have even pictured how perfect she would be.

If I am honest, I miss being pregnant. I loved it. Looking back at posts from when I was at the end of my pregnancy, you may question that statement. However, I really did love it. Knowing you're carrying life inside of you is something that only someone who has been pregnant can understand. Feeling that life move for the first time is breathtaking (and becomes LITERALLY breathtaking once they get big and start pressing against your lungs). I miss my big ol' belly (and not having to suck it in). Being pregnant is the coolest. We're not looking to add to the family for quite some time, but I will be excited when we do.
Kat remains amazing- I love her more everyday. She is a rolly-polly now and can roll from back to tummy like a champ... and if she really wants to, can roll tummy to back. She is a super baby! So advanced ;-)

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