Kat did well- she is such a good baby! Check out the Easter dress! She wasn't too happy about it in the first picture, but had her bunny and was much more content in the second one! Being in such a rush that morning, I completely forgot to pack in a change of clothes for later. Luckily, we were able to borrow some things from Sydney's closet to make it through the rest of the day.

Amy and the girls will soon be returning to Japan and I, of course, am pretty bummed. It is so fun to have them here and see the girls grow. I feel like they'll be so different the next time they come back to the states... ok, so I don't just "feel" that... it is true! They change so quickly at this age! Skye will certainly be talking like a pro and done with diapers all together... Sydney will probably be walking all over the place and look so different... ahhh! There are little girls growing up all around me! I know Kate will change so much, too. It is hard for me to picture her as a "little girl" as opposed to a baby girl, but I know she is sure to be so SO cute! :)
Here is a cute picture from Easter- Skye and Kat both sporting their bunny ears:

They are so cute- and check out Madison... she loves these little girls! What a cool family :) I'm sure Kate's life will be filled with so many embarrassing moments created by this family, but I do hope she realizes, one day, how amazingly blessed she is to be surrounded by so many people who love and adore her. On that note, I leave you with this picture... because the expression on her face kills me!