Last night was probably the worst nausea I have experienced yet. I felt pretty yucky all day, but I think the combination of heartburn and nausea really made me miserable. I got out of bed around 11:40pm and took a couple of tums. Then I wandered around on the internet trying not to think about the lump in my throat. Eventually, somewhere around 12:45am, I wandered back into bed and slept through the night. Relief.
I had my second doctor's appointment on Tuesday afternoon. I met the actual OB this time (I have only met the nurse practitioner thus far)- she was great! I am comfortable with her and that is a very good thing. She felt my uterus and said it feels just like it should for 10 weeks. Then she used the 'doppler' to listen for the heartbeat! She'd move it around, find it, say "Hear it?!" and then the little stinker would move! Must be an active little one! She said it sounds like the heartrate is in the 150's, which is great. Phew! All good news!
They did find some kind of irregular measurement of my red blood cells. It could be indicative of a condition called Thalassaemia. It is most common in Asian and Mediterranean backgrounds... well, count me out of those, but nonetheless they did another blood test to check again. I guess it affects how your body absorbs iron and folic acid- both intensely important things during pregnancy. She didn't make it sound like a big deal though, so I am not worrying about it.
I am so excited to tell everyone. It is hard keeping it a secret. We're telling our friends at the Cinco de Mayo party we're having at our place and I can't wait! It's only a couple of weeks away, but it feels like forever!
Speaking of feeling like forever... my next appointment is May 18th. They'll just do the basic stuff... measure my uterus and listen for the HB again. Then we'll schedule my BIG APPOINTMENT. By BIG, I mean the ultrasound that will tell us the burning question: girl or boy? I am so excited! We won't know until probably the end of June, but it is very exciting to think about! Going on intuition, I have a feeling it's a boy... I don't know why I think that, but I just have a feeling. I have since the beginning, but who knows!
People ask which I "want" and I can be totally honest in saying that I don't care. Everyone assumes I want a girl, but honestly, for our first baby I just want a happy and healthy little Conrad- I truely don't care if it is a boy or a girl!
Well, that is all I have to update on right now... at least I think so. If I think of anything else, I may post it... I may not. Hopefully tonight will be a good night will no nastiness! Blah! It is all worth it, though!
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