So let's see... first there was July! Will turned one and had a cute space themed birthday party. I was a chicken with my head cut off, so the pictures are scarce. Whoops. Here's a little montage of his cake smash, though!

He had his first haircut just before his party, too- my goodness, he looked so cute! I totally cried as he got that beautiful hair trimmed, but it looked so handsome afterward that I was ok with it.


Isn't he dreamy?! He is the best little guy- I adore him so stinking much. While he is nothing like his big sister was at this age, he is wonderful. He keeps me on my toes- running every where, climbing on everything and getting into all of the stuff he isn't supposed to. He is such a typical 'boy'. I can be in the worst mood and one glance at his adorable face does me in. I'm madly in love!
At the end of the month I ran in my first Mud Run- it was SO MUCH FUN! Once finished, I decided I couldn't wait to do another so I signed up for one in September! Our team name was "The Mud Flaps"... dig our trucker hats and flannels? Yeah, I know you do! It was such a muddy, messy event- I seriously had the best time. While it was a little longer than a 5k, it wasn't too hard. We did very little running actually- we spent a good amount of time just laughing, talking and slinging mud. Even Madison joined in on the fun!
August rolled in and Matt headed to Alaska with his dad and brothers for the first full week of the month. Off to catch mammoth sized halibut and salmon, the kiddies and I stayed home and did our thing. The day he left, I wasn't feeling 100%. Super tired, nauseous and... that's right, folks. Time to pee on a stick! So on the first day that Matt was going to be gone for an entire week, I found out that we're expecting baby #3! The beginning of this pregnancy was not pretty. I felt so much sicker than I ever did with Kate or Will. Way sicker. I felt horrible for the kids; I'd just put Will down for his nap, give Kate the iTouch in our bed and lay down, praying they'd get their mommy back soon. It was ugly. The nausea passed around week 13 and the second trimester has been great. Matt and the boys returned home with almost 500 pounds of halibut and salmon. That's right- FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS! It has been a delicious few months ever since!
In September, Kate headed back to school! She had been waiting for it all summer- she loves preschool! She met her new teacher, Mrs. Benson, and had a great time.

October started out with a girls' trip to Honolulu! My sister in law and her girls where on their own while her husband was deployed, so Kate and I went and spent a week in the warm Hawaiian sun (lucky us!). The girls had so much fun together... it made it so hard to leave, knowing how much Katie misses them when they're apart. It is a lot of fun to have the three girl cousins so close in age- just wish we could be closer in location!

Halloween was adorable with our little Mickey & Minnie Mouse! We had grandma & grandpa over for pizza, did a little trick or treating and made some crafts... it becomes more and more fun each year. I'm already dreaming about what theme we'll go with when there are three little Conrad babies!

November has been a busy, fun filled month! In all honesty, I cannot believe how fast it has gone. My three favorite months of the year, October - December, go by in an instant. Katie turned four on the 18th! It is unbelievable to me that four years could have already gone by since she was born. I say it every birthday- what did we do without her!? She is so smart and funny; sassy and stubborn, too. She has this long, wavy golden hair that I cannot bring myself to trim. Her laugh is all it takes to put me in a better mood and her heart is as big as ever. I do adore my sweet girl. At the beginning of the month, she got what she had been hoping for since finding out that she would be a big sister again- we found out we're having a GIRL! Kate was so thrilled to hear that she would have a baby sister! She has been saying from the start that it's a girl- I don't think she ever had a doubt in her mind. So funny!
We threw her a fun, little Minnie Mouse birthday party to celebrate the big FOUR. It was the first party with all of her friends from school- so fun; so exhausting. The girls played dress up for most of the party, only stopping to play a couple of games and scarf down a cupcake!
Phew. So there you have it. The last 5ish months in a nutshell. We're gearing up for a great Christmas and a busy 2012!