This one I actually started before Pinterest and finally started writing in today! Its a notebook/ journal type thing to keep on our coffeetable. There are so many times when Kate says something hilarious or Will does something noteworthy and I think to myself, "I need to write this down!" So that, my friends, is where our little coffeetable book comes in. Right on our table, I have a place to jot it down right when it happens. Today, I traced each of our hands and wrote the date. Sometimes I'll just have Kate or Will draw in it, then date it so we can look back on it.

I used ModPodge to cover a plain, black sketch book from Joann's with cute scrapbook paper, then used my Cricut to cut our last name into cute letters for the front. A ripped strip of paper and a ribbon completed the front. Now on the inside, there are pages and pages of memories waiting to be written down. On the first page, I scribbled down a quote I fell in love with about family (please excuse my high-school-girl hand writing).

I'm so excited about it! I know one day I'm going to look back on it, in tears, remembering a time when my kids still wanted to snuggle and weren't too cool to call me "mommy".
The next thing was a little chore chart for Kate. I've seen tons of these on various blogs, but decided to whip up my own to coordinate with her cute room colors. Together, we picked 5 reasonable tasks for her to accomplish each day. At the end of the week, if she gets all of her tasks checked off, we do something special. She completed last week, the first week of the chart business, with flying colors- so we had a little ice cream trip tonight. Score one for mommy, too ;-)
I made the little chart into a 16x20 print (on metallic paper for fun) and had it printed by my usual photo lab. I picked up a $3 frame at Wal-Mart and spray painted it the color I wanted. It looked great! Then I use a dry-erase marker, so that we can erase it and start over again the next week!

Lots of fun! I'm loving feeling inspired- even my cooking has taken a turn for the better! Ahh, I feel so domestic.