I heard the word 'cancer' one too many times from one too many people I care about deeply. I hate that word. I'm tired of the phone calls letting me know that someone I care about has been 'diagnosed' with that wicked 'c' word. In August, on Will's one month birthday, we said goodbye to Matt's beloved Aunt Eloise as she lost her battle with lung cancer (the woman who never touched a smoke in her life). She'd been diagnosed less than a year before we lost her. While we all miss her so much (I miss her even more than I expected I would), we could rejoice that her faith was so strong, and that she is no doubt laughing that contagious laugh of hers in heaven with Jesus.
Aside from the tough stuff, we got our precious son. Will is now 5 months old and more amazing every day. He's rolling now, reaching for stuff (especially faces) and has the best laugh ever! My favorite thing is that Kate makes him laugh harder than anyone- its awesome!

Kate completely adores him, too. She is such a good big sister- aside from the occasional over-enthusiastic hug she tries to give him here and there. She's been a little chef since Christmas, working diligently at her new toy kitchen. This Christmas was the most fun I've had in a long time... she is just old enough now to really get it and be excited. She came down the steps in the morning and RAN to that kitchen! Then she opened her set of 7 princess dolls and it was all over. Life was complete!
Will had a rough first Christmas- bronchitis, nearing pneumonia. Yuck. So with some antibiotics, steroids and breathing treatments he avoided the pneumonia and is back on the healthy side now. Phew!
She started school the week before Christmas break on a trial basis and went back for her first day of 2011 today. She loves it! She has so much fun... and brings home a new painting every time. Love it!

The first two days, she didn't want to leave. Most kids don't want their moms to drop them off- mine didn't want me to pick her up. She screamed and threw a fit because she wanted to stay and play! Unreal. The first day was so crazy and overwhelming for her... she sobbed the whole way home and when we got home, dramatically announced that she was "Just sooooo tired!!!!". I told her to go lay in bed if she was so tired (didn't think she'd really sleep) and next thing I know:
Done for. SO exhausted. It's gotten better, though, and now she is a trooper. I love that she loves school!
On my front, I am officially a stay at home mom! My time at the church ended on Dec. 31st and I am relieved. It will be so nice to have the extra time and so much less stress. I'm really excited about putting more time and energy into my photography journey, too! I'm hoping to do more business this year, meet new clients, grow as a photographer and really do this thing!
I'm super excited for 2011... lets see what you've got, new year!