For real. I love everything about it. The lights, the music, the decorations, the smells, the food... all of it! Ok, well, maybe not being almost backed over by a crabby woman on an electric shopping cart at Target this evening, but I guess that just comes with the shopping territory. I can handle it. The ratio of awesome : not so awesome is in my favor.
I gave in this year and we went with a fake, pre-lit tree. I always said, NEVER!, and scoffed anytime Matt brought it up. But it was time. My sneaky two year old still puts everything in her mouth (umm, seriously- isn't she supposed to be over that?) and I didn't need to have a panic attack about all of the pine needles dropping by week #2. So, we went pre-lit and I have to say... I'm happy with my decision. Its super pretty, really easy and we can put it up much earlier than we could keep a real tree fresh for. I'm all about decorating early... did I mention I'm into the whole Christmas thing?
In the spirit of the season, we took some cute pics of Kate for our Christmas cards... isn't she the most?!

Well, it's late and I'm beat, but I promised myself I'd actually get this thing updated before a full month passed. Phew! Now if I can only make sure to get the Christmas updates up! We'll see how that goes. Baby steps.