Lessons learned:
1) Taping bags to the floor = good plan (because the paper practically disintegrated because of that wet paint).
2) Use clippies in her hair... the paint on her face is due to her desperately trying to sweep her hair out of her eyes.
3) Have the bathtime stuff READY. Oops. Thought I had this nailed- cleared the path to the bathtub, had her in just a diaper... aaaand: forgot a towel. She was covered in paint, I was covered in paint and we didn't have a towel for post-bath needs. Good thing she is small- a hand towel did the job. I just prayed we'd make it back to her room before she peed on the floor. We made it- phew!
Last week we took a trip down to SeaWorld for some fun with family and fish. Matt's parents, aunt, sister and her two girls were in for the fun, too. It was a lot of fun and Kate was awesome (but definitely tired, since napping wasn't even on her agenda). I appreciate that she keeps life simple: every animal was either a fish or a dog (minus the penguins- they're boops [Kate speak for "bird"]). Dolphin? Fish. Whale? Fish. Sealion? Dog. Yep.

Lots of fun! It's been a busy month, and it probably won't calm down much until... well, maybe August?? But probably not. I feel like our calendar is always so full of stuff... church stuff, family stuff, friend stuff- which I guess is a good thing, but I get exhausted even looking at my calendar anymore. Phew! I guess I could just go ahead and get to bed now for some rest (since everyone else in this house has been asleep for at least 3 hours), but I'm sure I could figure something else out that needs to get done!