Friday, January 16, 2009


I need to stop being such a whiner. I complain too much. About dumb things. Trivial things. Things that some people should be so lucky to complain about (cell phones, slow internet, car trouble...).

Then something happens and throws everything into perspective. In hearing of a friend's great loss, I woke up (if you pray, please pray for E- for her comfort, healing and health). Life is short; it is precious; it is unpredictable. And the less time I spend whining, the more time I'll have to notice everything precious and joyous about life. There. I said it.

This evening I looked at Kate and had one of those, "I can't believe she's really mine" moments. This perfect, silly, sweet, blue-eyed little girl. Ours? Really?! It's still amazing... 14 months later and I'm still baffled by this little miracle.

I bought her a tutu off of Etsy recently, and just today had some time to take some photos. She is not a fan... and I almost cried from laughing so hard at how silly it all really is.

After I changed her out of the pink-fluffy-ridiculousness, she was considerably happier and gave me that killer smile... with her head against the floor. Why? I dunno. But I love it.

On another joyous note, 2009 is going to be the year of weddings for many of my friends! Hooray (and it's about freaking time, kids)! Now if only they'd make some honeymoon babies... kidding, friends! But in all seriousness, I am so excited for all of them and am really looking forward to this special year. I did get to practice my photography skills and take some engagement pics for Scott (my friend since 10th grade) and Emily (his beautiful fiancee- seriously, Scott, you're marrying up)!

It was so fun and a huge honor- thanks guys!

Off to bed... and to say some prayers. I'll say one for you, too. ;-)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

What a year! I can't believe how quickly it came and went. It really is amazing, looking back on these past 12 months, how much really happens. I feel like it becomes so much more apparent when you have a little one. The changes in a baby are so remarkable that their first year seems like the biggest year you've ever experienced... does that make sense? I think what I am trying to say is that so many things happen within a year that we lose sight of after a while; but, with a baby you remember details of the last 12 months so much more vividly. In the January of 2008, it was the most exciting thing to hear my daughter laugh for the first time. By December of 2008, she is now walking. Two very different milestones; both so amazing for a mother... and those are only two of the many incredible things she has accomplished.

Christmas was fun as always, but so strange, as my grandpa was still in the hospital. It was the first time in 26 years I've had Christmas dinner without my grandpa and that was a hard thing for me to let go of. Though we visited with him at the hospital in the morning and did some gift opening, it isn't the same to sit around the table with family and not have him there. He is home now, though, and was able to watch football all day on his big ol' TV... so he is happy.

We did take Kate to see Santa for the first time. As you can see, she didn't get the memo that Santa is one of the good guys.

New Year's Eve was supposed to be quiet for us- just sitting on our couch watching the ball drop then heading to bed... but Kate woke up at 11:30 crying and upset. That lasted until about 2am when she finally gave up. As I mentioned, she has started walking this week, so perhaps she is sore (kind of like when we do a new activity that our muscles aren't used to, you know?) and the fussiness will pass. Here are her last photos of 2008!

She was a beastly character today with the whining and back arching... but it is oh-so-precious watching her learn to walk, that it makes up for it ;-) Here is the link to her first ever YouTube performance- the night she decided she was ready to tackle this walking thing!

2008 brought a new hobby for me... photography! I've always liked taking pictures and I've always loved the idea of photography- I just never did much about learning how to really do it. So with the inspiration of our daughter, the purchase of my dslr in February and a helpful class in August (not to mention TONS of reading around the internet and photography books), I've discovered a new love. A month ago, I didn't think I'd ever want to pursue a business... but in the last couple of weeks my curiosity has peaked. Who knows what 2009 might do to my hobby! But as of now... I just love being a mommy with a camera.

So that's that. I'm starting the New Year with the same old bad habits- staying up too late farting around on the internet. With that, I'm off to bed! Welcome 2009!