At this time last year, we had just met our little Kathryn Elizabeth... seen her for the first time, heard her cry and already fallen madly in love. Within moments. I remember counting all her tiny fingers and toes. She was very pink and had the most perfect nose... and she still does.
It is amazing how much babies change in only one year. What one year ago was a helpless, flailing, delicate newborn is now a giggling, stubborn, moving, shaking ball of personality! I can't even begin to imagine what this next year will look like! At 12 months, Kathryn is cruising (not walking yet, though), says "baba" very excitedly any time she sees her bottle, laughs at anything, shakes her head "no" anytime she starts doing something she knows she isn't supposed to... she's too wonderful!
If you know much about me, I cry. Often. At most anything. So tonight, while I was rocking her, right around the time she made her appearance into the world one year ago, I finally got emotional. My baby girl has almost (not quite) tripled her weight since birth, gained a good 10 inches, has 6 teeth (and is working on 2 more) and begun the transition from 'baby' to 'little girl'. Crazy!

This morning, she had birthday pancakes for breakfast then battled her morning nap until it became a futile task- so she won. Mommy lost. Then we went off to work as usual. Had a birthday lunch with the office staff, had a birthday cupcake- with some fun orange frosting (what a mess!), then came home.

She's been crabby and whiny most of the day... and only napped for 30 minutes total. She'll sleep good tonight, though. Tomorrow morning is her one-year check, complete with a few shots. Poor kid. And then Saturday is the big day- the 1st birthday party!

So I'm exhausted and emotional, but so SO grateful for the blessings in my life. I'm certainly undeserving of all these blessings, but I guess that is the beauty of grace. This second year will be an adventure and I am so excited for all the amazing things we'll get to experience together as a family!
My cup runneth over!