Woo! Feeling that little girl moving around in there is a crazy, crazy thing! I'm not sure that I ever could have imagined what it would feel like. There isn't really a way to describe it. At first, around 17 weeks, it was kind of like popcorn popping in there. Very light, and not too often.
Now at 20 weeks, I can feel her everyday- mostly at night. I have been able to feel her from the outside only a few times, but it isn't common yet. Matt *might* have felt her last night, but he wasn't sure. He said he couldn't tell whether it was her or if it was his own heartbeat in his hand. Hehe. Soon enough it will be pretty obvious!
My head is constantly swimming with thoughts of how to decorate her nursery, what her name will be, what she will look like... I am so in love with her already! There is so much cute baby stuff out there- and the little girl stuff is so precious! Right now most of the clothes are summer outfits, so I have managed to keep it together... but woo! When those fall outfits start hitting stores, we're done for!
The belly is rounding out nicely... though I'm still not sure that strangers can tell I'm preggo and not just chubby. However, I am rubbing my belly or putting my hands on my belly so often that I guess one would deduce that I am with child. Who knows.
We're half-way to having our little girl! 20 weeks seemed soooooo far away when I first found out I was pregnant, but looking back it has flown by! I am enjoying it while it lasts... November is just around the corner and our little girl will be making her debut before we know it!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
It's a Girl!!!

The tech started off doing measurements and looking at all the growth... baby looks great! We could see the spine and all the little vertebrae... it was incredible! Baby was all stretched out, just chillin' in there, happy as could be! We saw the little hands, arms, legs and feet... it is an out of this world experience to see a little person growing inside of you!
Then Matt asked if she had any ideas on the gender yet... I could tell he was getting antsy! She said, well, I'm going to get a better look, but I'm saying you're having a GIRL! I was shocked!!! I was convinced we were going to have a boy! Matt asked how sure she was... she said she would never say 100%, but she is going with 95%! He said, "I'll take those odds!" :) She showed us "the money shot", so to speak, and she had her little legs wide open showing us the "three lines" that indicate a girl!
We're going to have a daughter!! Let the shopping begin!
Everything was measuring perfectly and she is looking healthy... they gave us a CD with some pictures, which is very cool! I'm still in a bit of shock... it is just too cool knowing what we're having! I don't regret our decision to find out before birth at all! I love knowing we're having a girl and I feel closer to her somehow.
We have some ideas for names, but aren't 100% on any of them yet. We're not going to tell until we know for sure. Ahhh- so exciting!
Well, I am going to try and post some of the ultrasound pictures on this blog... but I'm not sure how to, so it could be quite an adventure :) Hopefully you'll see them on here, soon! That is all for now... more to come!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What a craptastic day I had...
Ay, ay, ay. This day couldn't possibly have been any longer. Combined with the stress of my grandpa going into the hospital yesterday for shockingly low blood sugar (40... 30 can mean a diabetic coma), some of the pressures of my job cracked me like a brittle egg shell today. Holy schmoly. Well... it must have been time for a good cry because I got one today. Yuck. My stomach is still all in knots. Though some of that I think I can attribute to heartburn.
Here's hoping tomorrow is better! It is already time for our big ultrasound!!! I can't believe how fast it has gone already! I am praying for a healthy baby, whether its a boy or a girl!
Here's hoping tomorrow is better! It is already time for our big ultrasound!!! I can't believe how fast it has gone already! I am praying for a healthy baby, whether its a boy or a girl!
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